Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 10

It has been a full-of-life-stuff week.  There has not been as much time to do my own sewing as I would like, but I have managed to do a bit.  There will be even less in the coming week as I am painting the living area, and it is going to take a lot of work.  I will try to do some before and after pictures.

So, for this week...

I first worked on a customer quilt.  The quilting is more visible on the back than on the front.  I love this two-step design.  I have done the inner design before, but adding the outer one really made it special.

This is how they look with multiples.

I also put loops in the sashing, but didn't take a picture of it.  I just have the outer 3 borders to do.

I also quilted this little baby quilt...Held by my baby...not a baby anymore, but a 5'11" 12-year-old.
 I made the baby quilt with leftovers from another quilt I did for the store.  I found the instructions on Moda Bake Shop.

Then I also made this bag out of fabric I couldn't resist.  I love the pinks in it.  I am currently using the red bag made earlier this year, but the pink will be perfect for spring and early summer.  I also plan on making a book cover with the same fabric.

This is one of my favorite bags to make.  It goes together quickly, can be quilted easily, and only requires about 2/3 yard of fabric for the outside, and 1/2 yard for the inside.  It doesn't have pockets, although I could add them if I wanted to.  It just is a nice quick finish when I want to make something that doesn't take a lot of time.

I also finished another hot pad this week, bringing the total made to 13.  I gave two of them away last night.  I was glad to have them done so I could give them.

Upcoming projects:  Paint all over the upstairs living area.  When I have time, work on list of projects, or picnic display for the Shop Hop.  I hope you have a good week, too!

Happy Sewing!  (or in my case this week...Happy Painting!)

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