This is my red wall - before. Notice the cream wall next to it. The second picture is how the red wall looks in the sunlight.
We pulled everything away from and off the walls. It was piled in the center of the room, and we had to walk around it.
Here, I am covering the red wall with primer (it took 2 coats).
This is my lovely assistant on the first day. She did most of the cutting in.
She really got into her work - wearing paint on her face, and elsewhere!
Here is just part of the wall covered in the new yellow.
Here the kitchen has a lovely light shade of brown/tan.
The living room yellow looks great and really sets off my
The big wall is yellow, and the half-wall is brown like the kitchen. It shows up very light here.
And now, the red wall!
It has been difficult to know how to decorate with the previous paint colors. Now, I am bursting with ideas and need to just put them to work! I'll post updates later. Now, I just have to finish all the little stuff and start moving things back to where they belong.
No new hot pads or finished projects, but I hope to sew either tomorrow or Friday. I need to decide whether to paint first, or get some sewing done for a day. We shall see!
Happy Sewing!