Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quilt Guild Retreat - How Fun!

These pictures were taken at a retreat I helped organize for our local quilt guild. We had a trunk show after lunch, and the main person showing quilts was Linda Hansen. Linda has been a quilter for a long time, and was a member of our guild until she had work hours that kept her away. She spent 2 years working on a goal of finishing her unfinished projects. She finished one a month during those two years, and that included machine quilting them as well.

She shared many quilts with us (these are just 3 of them). The first two were made out of scraps she had. The last one was made in memory of a family relative. She quilts words in the quilts to tell stories. They are just fabulous!

I have been inspired by Linda's quilts and her drive. It keeps me trying to do more!

We had a fun day at the retreat. 6 classes were held, and we brought in lunch from a local restaurant. Each person chose an item from 7 possible meals. Each lunch was labeled for the person who ordered it, so it was easy to hand out. It made it very easy and affordable, too. We had a door prize for everyone, and gave away a new prize every 20 minutes, except during lunch. We will also be giving a refund to the participants because there was money left over, so, I think that is pretty good, too!

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