First, this is my quilt.
I spent Election Day embroidering the center, then added the half-square triangles to the outside. The half-square triangles finish at 1/2 inch.
The challenge for the guild was to make anything using half-square triangles. These are the projects they showed at the meeting. First was Lyn's. She always adds embroidery and embellishments to her projects.
I can't remember this woman's name, but I do love the embroidered ornaments. She hadn't quite finished putting the borders on, but I think it will be great.
Then, Anne showed her quilt. She used scraps of her Christmas batiks. Fun!
Kim showed us her project. Now, these are tiny! I think she said there were 56 in there.
Then, Kris showed us her pin cushion made with the half-square triangles. She very generously gave the pin cushion to a member of the group.
So, now they are working on their churn dash blocks, and I will be working soon on the next quilts for January.
Finally, a picture of the quilts I made for Christmas gifts this year. Each of my children, and my husband, all received a quilt for Christmas. Richard wanted a strip quilt, so I made one from a jelly roll of Snowbird Batiks. The other four were 2-layer minky quilts. They were so excited to wrap up in these.
As the weather gets colder here, these quilts will come in handy for everyone!
Christmas here was quiet, but also very nice. We will do fondue for New Year's Eve, and I hope to continue piecing my latest project as we move into the new year. Happy New Year all and
Keep Sewing!

Fun to see the guild projects. I especially love that border around the embroidered ornaments!