First, the display for Shop Hop. My theme was picnic, so I did a little girl's picnic, with an apron for Mom. This picture shows the apron best out of all of them. It is very feminine. In the basket on the window ledge are two extra place mats and napkins.
I made a cake plate out of a goblet and a glass plate. Then, I made most of the goodies. The center one is a pin cushion from Lyn.
I found a tea pot at Ross, and the glass plates were from a secondhand store. The cups were in my cupboard, but originally from a secondhand store. The place mats roll up and have a ribbon to tie it closed.
All of this is sitting on a table my neighbor purchased to have for picnics with her grandchildren. She is very generous to let me use it first.
I knew it might get played with a little. On Saturday, while putting away fabric, I noticed a little girl, rearranging the fabric treats. She also has rearranged the cup and plate on the left. I am glad she had a nice time while her mother and sister were trying to find fabric for a quilt.
The next finish is the quickest one I've had for a while...unless it has been a store sample. This one isn't. A store sample, that is. This one got quilted and the binding finished in one day. Hurray! I am so excited to finish it in about 3 weeks time, from the time of purchasing the fabric. It is 52" square.
Here is a closer shot of the quilting.
This weekend is my mother's birthday, so I am quilting a quilt for her. I think I can get it done fairly quickly, I just have to decide a good thread color.
It is also child #3's birthday tomorrow. My baby will be 13!!! He is an absolute joy to have around, and I love spending time with him. Happy Birthday, sweetie!
I've given away 6 hot pads now, because of wedding gifts. I've made 21, but only have 15 here. I think I might need to make more than 40. Still, I am plugging away at it, especially when I am too tired to sew. It is also a good Sunday activity that keeps my hands busy, but allows me time to think and listen.
I am slowly whittling down my list. I got the borders on my Spool Quilt, and it is next on the agenda for quilting, after Mom's quilt. That will be nice to get it done. It is a fairly good-sized quilt and will take me more than an afternoon to quilt.
Thanks for reading my blog. Let me know what you are working on, too!
Happy Sewing!